- Zemlja: Sweden
- Lokacija: Northern Sweden
- Godina: 2021-2022
- Investitor: Svenska Kraftnät, Sweden
- Glavni ugovarač: Linjemontage, Sweden
- Status: in progress
- Dužina: 35,7 km

The project significance:
The new transmission line will play a significant role in connecting new wind parks from this part of the country to the power grid. The construction of a new power line will reduce the risks of network overload, but also from disruption in the supply of this area in the future.
Elnos Group works:
Our teams continue to work on the project of building a new 400 kV transmission line Långbjörn-Storfinnforsen in the north of Sweden.
The total length of the new transmission line route is 35.7 kilometers, and the teams in the field have already installed and erected all the towers. We also started with the execution of electrical installation works.
A modern transmission line is being built between the Långbjörn and Storfinnforsen substations in northern Sweden.
A specific challenge for our teams on this transmission line route is the construction of transmission lines over the soil of a very complex configuration – from wetlands, through forest areas to rocky peaks.