- Zemlja: Sweden
- Lokacija: central Sweden
- Godina: 2017.
- Investitor: Vattenfall and Gastrop AB
- Glavni ugovarač: Linjemontage, Sweden
- Status: Finished

Project importance:
Central parts of Sweden produce more and more electrical power that national network has to receive. Due to this, one of the projects performed by leading electrical power companies and system operators of this country is working on creation of stronger electrical power network, for the purpose of electrical power safely transmits to users. Construction of 130 kV transmission line Ostansio–Alberg is a project which was a constituent part of that electrical power plan in this country, and Elnos teams took part in its performance.
Elnos Group works:
Elnos Group constructed new two-system 130 kV transmission line for connecting newly-built substation Ostansio to Alberg substation and reconstructed transmission line between substations Talle and Alberg.
This was a challenging and high demanding project. A large scale of works was to be performed in a short period, so works were performed day and night, due to which organizational skills of our teams had to be on high level. Towers were of big dimensions and weighed 20 tons and more. Specific fact of this project is that we installed conductor of large diameter, 910 mm2.
Another interesting fact is that our teams performed electrical assembly works in one part of the route over a very busy railway with eight tracks and wider than 140 m. As for these works to be done, power cut offs were announced eighteen months in advance. Although we were given a deadline of 4 hours and 30 minutes to perform the works, since the railway could have been disconnected only in this period, our teams successfully all tasks in three hours. Normally, in standard norms, we would need a day for its performance.