- Zemlja: Serbia
- Lokacija: Kovin, southeastern Banat
- Godina: 2017. and 2018.
- Investitor: “Vetroelektrane Balkana”, Serbia
- Glavni ugovarač: GE Renewable energy
- Status: Finished

The significance of the project:
Serbia is by the realization of this capital project building a wind farm Čibuk 1, the largest wind farm in the Balkan, made a huge twist towards a new energy era of renewable energy sources. With its 57 wind turbines and an installed capacity of 158 MW wind farm Čibuk 1 produces electricity for 113,000 households and in the perspective will reduce the emissions of 370,000 tons of CO2.
Elnos Group works:
Elnos Group has been a proud part of this venture where we are building electric power elements, which are today the backbone of a wind farm Čibuk 1; and push the limits of our current project management. This was a huge venture within which we, as a partner of the US General Electric, built substation 35/400 kV and 2 x 400 kV double circuit transmission line the length of 11 kilometers . The contract is based on ‘turnkey’ system, according to the FIDIC Silver book, and our two-year scope of work was included complete engineering, projecting, procurement equipment, installation, testing and at the end commissioning the facility into operation.